GREG KOCH ft. The Koch Marshal Trio

Greg Koch ft. The Koch Marshal Trio performing at Cafe Eleven.


March 12, 2024



The Original Cafe Eleven

 St. Augustine Beach, FL

$25 advance / $30 day of show General Admission Open Seating (Table seating reserved for Reserved Table Seating purchasers)
$35 Reserved Table Seating Ticket
(ticket includes reserved table seating)
Seated Show



Half Price Happy Hour from 3pm-7pm

  • Seated show
  • Table seating is reserved for Reserved Seating Ticket purchasers.
  • General Admission tickets have access to open seating area. Table seating is not available for GA ticket purchasers. There is no assigned seating in GA section.
  • Food is available until concert begins. Once concert begins only drinks & desserts are available.
  • All ages event


    Milwaukee native Greg Koch has forged a successful career

    as “a guitar player’s guitarist.” He is not only a fiercely creative

    player with a whole trick bag of impressive techniques, ranging

    from Albert Lee chicken-pickin’ to Albert King string-bending

    to all-out Hendrixian abandon, he is also is a clinician for

    Fishman Transducers and his wildly popular “guitar test drive”

    videos (4,000 to date) for Wildwood Guitars of Louisville,

    Colorado have generated 50 million views. Koch also has a

    signature axe which was released in 2019 by Reverend Guitars,

    named the Greg Koch Signature Gristlemaster. The guitar

    colors were given somewhat humorous names like: Kochwork

    Orange, and Blucifer. He is also a best-selling method book

    author and video instructor for music publisher Hal Leonard

    and a contributing columnist for a variety of guitar magazines

    including Guitar Player. Guitar great Steve Vai, who released

    Koch’s 2001 album The Grip on his own Favored Nations

    label, heaped praise on his fellow guitarist: “Greg Koch is

    one of those rare guitarists that can blend various styles

    with a light-hearted approach and a tremendous amount of

    technique. Hearing him play is inspiring to a guitar player to

    try to achieve greatness on the instrument.”

    Dylan Koch gravitated to the drums early on in his life using

    kitchen utensils to play along with music as soon as he could

    walk. After digesting an early diet of Ginger Baker, Keith

    Moon, Mitch Mitchell and John Bonham, Dylan was mentored

    by the legendary Tom Brechtlein (Chick Corea/Robben Ford).

    In high school, Dylan participated in the Jazz Institute at the

    Wisconsin Conservatory of Music and furthered his studies at

    the McNally Smith School of Music in the Twin Cities. While

    still in his teens he performed with young guitar guns Tallan

    Noble Latz and Jared James Nichols and has performed

    alongside his father with such artists as Robben Ford, Little

    Feat’s Paul Barrere, Jon Cleary, David Grissom, Roscoe Beck

    and Malford Milligan. Dylan was recently nominated for

    drummer of the year by the Wisconsin Area Music Awards

    (WAMI). Says proud papa Koch, “This is the third official

    recording with the kid. And what’s great about it is, you can’t

    teach the grease. And he gets it. He gets the filth. I guess he’s

    just got my filthy DNA.”





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